Šmarna gora race
Description of trails
The red thread of the Šmarna gora race route has been a kind of spiral from the very beginning, which wraps around Šmarna gora in a counter-clockwise direction.

The start was the first year at the last house just below the foot (where today is the start of the Record). From 80 to 87, the start was in the parking lot by the bridge over the Sava, and since then on Rocen.
It was similar with the finish – only the first two years (and in 91 – the record) was right in front of the Inn, and since the 90s the track has been leading runners to the finish line around the church.
– Until 90, the route ran from the foothills to Sp. kitchen, then left towards Grmada to Zatrep and then right transversely along the slope to Tacenska kapelica, around Gora and over the saddle to the top.
– In 1991, the first race “Record of Šmarna gora” was the fastest way from Tacen over the saddle to the top.
– In 92, due to the DP, the route was extended over Grmada, but without the loop from Sp. kitchen towards the chapel – the line led directly from Sp. kitchen towards Grmada.
– In 93 only a ribbon was added between Sp. kitchen and Mazi’s path.
– in 93 we also added a track for children starting at the Tacen chapel,
– in 2001 we added the shortest route with a start on the saddle; this one is for the youngest.
– In 2001, the first part of the route (0.2 – 0.9 km) was moved from the paved Tacen streets closer to the forest.
– In 2010 we extended the route by a kilometer – we did not enter the slope directly to the left over the “stairs”, but we continued straight through the narrowing past the scarp and 1.1 km to the left over a meadow into the slopes of Šmarna gora. The route was also extended on the descent over the saddle – before arriving at the Pilgrimage Route, we turned left towards Gorjanec and then along the carriageway across the saddle down the Pilgrimage Route to the Tacenska chapel.

Links to the websites of organizations, companies and associations with which we cooperate in any way.
Mountain runnig section
World mountain running association
Running supporters and sponsors
The mountain also has its own website